ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management System
Issue 1.0, Page 1 of 1 APPROVED: Controlled Copy DATE: 19/07/2017
Quality Policy
The Directors, Management and Personnel of our company are committed to provide a high quality service in the area of Quality Management, by continuously improving client service, human resource management and company operations.
Recognising, understanding and evaluating customer needs and trying to improve customer satisfaction is the company’s primary objective.

Human Resource Management is based on the principles of close training and supervision, excellent communication skills for all personnel and high personnel satisfaction.
Part of the commitment, by top management, is to develop and train employees so that they are able to contribute to the continual improvement of meeting and exceeding our primary objective.
Top management will provide adequate resources and training needed to continually improve the effectiveness of the Quality Management System.
Quality Objectives needed to assist in the continual improvement of the Quality Management System, will be set and monitored as part of the Management Review Meetings in accordance with our Strategic Direction which is aligned to this Policy.
The above goals are completed with an effective and efficient company quality management system based on the requirements of ISO 9001: 2015.
The Company’s commitment in meeting, and exceeding, these requirements and the importance of meeting statutory and regulatory requirements secure a prosperous future and set a unique standard for others to follow.
When top management take decisions that have an effect on the local community they will take into consideration the views of interested parties and the effect the companies activities have upon the environment.
In fulfilling the above Quality Policy top management recognizes the importance of suppliers and will work with them to improve the quality of their services to us.
The success of the issues within this Quality Policy will be monitored, controlled and improved through element of this Quality Management System and reviewed at the regular Management Reviews Meetings.
Each employee will be made aware of the importance and contents of this quality policy and be encouraged to contribute to the success of the quality management system.